

Voice Broadcasting and Its Role in Educational Institutions

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Education is an industry that requires constant communication. Voice broadcasting helps educational institutions to reach thousands of students with a single click. Your message is received by all the students, whether it’s about exams or online classes, PTM schedules, or complaints about the student’s holidays or any regular exams.

This large-scale communication needs a reliable, robust, and high-tech solution. Voice Broadcasting India meets all criteria and is a promising tool for colleges and schools.

What’s Voice Broadcast Messaging?

Voice Broadcasting Messaging also known as an audio message allows you to send messages via voice calls.

ICBMs are most commonly pre-recorded audio or text-to-speech messages that can be personalized.

Each type of message has its characteristics, which make it ideal for specific applications. Voice broadcast allows interaction with the audience through voice or text. This is based on the options in the message.

How Does Voice Broadcasting Works?

For how voice broadcasting works, let’s find out…

Step 1: Record a Voice Message

Using your smartphone, you can record a voice note that can be downloaded. You can also include IVR and call-back options with the message.

Step 2: Add Phone Numbers

After that, you can keep your customer’s number in your system. Stored this list in an Excel formatted file, in file format or CSV format. The DND calls have been removed to ensure that only active numbers can be reached.

Step 3: Send a Broadcast

After that mail an audio message to various customers by sending the message with the list of contacts. After these three steps examine the results of the message to find how effective the campaign is.

How broadcasting helps educational institutions?

Voice Broadcasting is used by educational institutions to communicate information about:

  • Exam schedules
  • Reminders about fees
  • Event updates

Voice broadcasting helps educational institutions to inform students about holidays, special events, seminars, and much more.

Makes it easy to apply

Schools can assign different numbers to each campaign and track responses and speed up the admission process. Instead of calling every individual student or parent to inform them about anything, voice broadcasting plays an important role, It makes everything so easy with a single click of the button message reached to the audience. These messages are pre-recorded and broadcast, and educational institutions sometimes add the voice of famous actors also. The message is automatically broadcast to the caller once the message has been received.

The message is available anywhere and anytime

Voice broadcasting helps you to record podcasts, that was accessible to everyone at any time. The podcast can be accessed from any location with an internet connection and a smartphone. You can also download the podcasts and listen to them. Students can access high-quality study materials at their own pace and revise whenever they want.

Offers online examinations

Voice broadcasting is a popular channel for conducting online exams. During COVID days this practice is common thing. Students can record their answers to be sent to the examiners for assessment. Examiners will be able to better understand oral answers with Speech to Text conversion. You can also record the answers for future reference.

Allows communication between parents and school

Voice broadcasting can be used by colleges and schools to communicate with parents also. Institutions can communicate with parents via voice broadcasting for timetables, PTM schedule fee submission dates, academics, and daily reports of their children.

New school policy

Parents may miss important school information because of their hectic schedules. This can happen when they are not able to access it via emails, posts, or mobile apps makes sure that parents receive the message via pre-recorded telephonic messages.

Enables social welfare and marketing

Voice Broadcasting is being used by educational institutions to run social welfare campaigns such as Asanti-ragging, the safety of their child, cleanliness, and much more.

Voice broadcasting can be a powerful tool to increase awareness and encourage students openly to discuss any problems.

It is also used to launch admission campaigns at each academic year’s beginning. School administrators can use this information to collect feedback from parents and identify potential new students for the academic school year.

How does Voice Broadcast messaging affect other areas?

Voice Broadcasting is a machine-answering service that is used by large agencies or providers. Voice broadcast messaging allows customers to communicate with each other using the same resources. Voice broadcasting messaging is as flexible and cost-effective as an email but has the added benefit of being able to access the customer.

VBM can be used in a variety of ways, including

  1. You can increase your engagement with your customers and build your relationships by offering special offers to them.
  2. It allows patients to cancel and confirm appointments using their phone’s keypad.
  3. You can quickly get customer feedback through customer satisfaction surveys.
  4. To prevent fraud, provide one-time passwords (OTP), through a voice-to-text text call.
  5. Voice broadcast messaging can be applied to many industries and practices. However, the most common areas where VBM technology is being revived are marketing, customer service, and internal communications.
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